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Personal Security Detail LVL 5.

Join the Program and Rediscover Your Confidence

Course Info:

The primary goal of this special training is to equip security personnel, military people, and law enforcement officers for protective operations in a dangerous environment (Africa, Central/Southern America, or the Middle East). Maximum realistic scenarios developed by worldwide security specialists will be used in the training, which will also provide participants the chance to familiarise themselves with various tools and weapons required in high-risk nations.


Course Details:

Course duration : 10 days


Price: 7000 Euros

Price includes Accommodation, 3 meals a day , Transport to and from Airport and Range


Weapons used: AK and Glock.


Awards and certifications:

Highfield LVL 5 certificate, Asteria certificate , Letter of recommendation from Asteria and VIP Equalizer The largest provider of CPO from UK.


*Top performers can benefit from our vast network of PMC employers to land a job abroad**


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